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Mods chat level Sun 23 Jun 2013 17:02
<mark> Hi Kirima, dont worry about cooking VM5 i knew that would pobably happen anyway.
I spent my time more trying to get a clever ending to the level,but could not make that work either.

Anyhow i've once again fell behind on the other mods thinking levels.(not even tried them yet).
After cracking the single file levels i've spent most of my spare time just playing Max's levels,most of them are devilishly good.
Well I got about another 10 that i could not do before and i've pushed my triage to over 1700 with them.
Try and catch up with MT levels this week some time if I can.For me it just seems harder to go back to levels once i've been playing others.
Getting to the point now where levels to play are going to be serious thinking jobs that take way to much time.
1800 maybe six more months if lucky.

Good luck everyone,by for now.
<mm> (SPOILER) The Variable Modelling series is more and more confusing me, i.e. those tiles that are not visible on the playground, things are hidden and it's not possible to understand what is meant to be done. When I made the template, I've had in mind that finally maybe 3 or 4 of the tiles I had placed in the bizzarro world would be activated. The tiles had been an OFFER, and I've never ever had the intention to force the use of those tiles. I wish we could go back a few steps!? What do you think?
Variable Modelling 5 Sun 23 Jun 2013 12:54
<mm> (SPOILER) Added speedrun: 679 moves (old: 819).
Mark, I'm sorry for cooking it right away...
<mark> (SPOILER) Tried to fix the level as best as i could,i know the bots ending does not work as i've intended it to but just throwing in an idea.
Modular Thinking 17b Sat 22 Jun 2013 13:03
<Jim> (SPOILER) I already had a mod almost completed when you submitted this one Kirima, and it was going to force a solution almost identical to yours. I did also solve this a different way however, so there might be another mod coming if I get around to making it.
Single File Sat 22 Jun 2013 11:52
<mark> (SPOILER) Added speedrun: 35 moves (old: 41).
All the singles done,legit speedrun spoils nothing.
Mods chat level Fri 21 Jun 2013 21:21
<mm> (SPOILER) Dave, I did upload what I had had so far, maybe we can work it out?! Thank you for describing what you had intended, but I didn't really get it as it sounds pretty abstract in my ears!

<Dave> ... You will also notice that a blue block in bizarro has changed to green. Still wont let you through the portal, but gives top access to the switch... part of a planned mod along similar lines which never happened, so I left it in as a bit of a teaser.
<Dave> ... This forces you to use the cook on the disappearing tile but takes the transponder out of play anyway. Hope it makes a bit of sense.
<Dave> I have got a non-cookable fix for the disappearing tile... it involves introducing a green lamp near the heart and locking the transponder to it by using red floor underneath. Unfortunately, I can't upload it as that mod is sitting on the computer at work.
<mm> I totally forgot about the "i", thanks for reminding me, so I did install a mouse and did configurate it properly and the mouse does draw rectangles, that's all I do know so far. (It didn't work my usual mac-way pressing ctrl as a substitute for windows right mouse.)
<mm> (SPOILER) Thanks, Dave! :) I've solved 20 right away, and afterwards I've been trying to find a mod for something like a combination of 14a+19 as well... What I've found so far is cookable, same problem as 14a which can easily be cooked, i.e. the other solutions do still work. (I haven't been aware of that fact & no-one told me, but then I did realize it myself.) -> I haven't found a better decent solution to let disappear that tile yet.
<Dave> Congratulations! 20 is only 18 the way I should've done it in the first place, I'll delete 18 soon. Plenty of scope for turning the screw further.

I spent a while making mods for 14a, that's why I haven't even played, let alone modded, the 'blocks' series yet. There are plenty of options, but failed to find a satisfactory one which shut out all the tricks used later in the main series.

Did you get a chance to play with 'i'?
<mm> (SPOILER) Noname's 19 requires more or less my 18 solution. -> Off to take a look at Mark's 20 where my solution won't work...
<mm> (SPOILER) Happy dancing lady! :-) Thank you all! My solution of 18 is slightly different, so now I'll have to take a look at 19 & 20, but probably my solution is already modded?
Variable Modelling 4 Fri 21 Jun 2013 07:59
<mark> (SPOILER) Added speedrun: 593 moves (old: 643).
Not so much a speedrun , but lets share solutions fix me run.
Got to go to work now,so not me.
Then i'm out for weekend as always,have internet connection but no game.

See you all soon.
Mods chat level Fri 21 Jun 2013 07:25
<mm> (SPOILER) Dave, concerning illegal bookmarks: I might have seen that, but I'm not totally sure if this is what you had meant: the editor does bookmark illegal things all the way up to that illegal step, when you watch the bookmarked play, the player will just stop there and it will tell you that the next step is illegal.
<mm> (SPOILER) I've placed a break underneath the bomb, so now it can't be touched for the moment, but we'll still be able to see its original timer set to 9! ;)

<mark> Yes Dave you are right i was just typing a comment to say ignore that comment about black,if the level gets tricky and clever enough the bomb might not help anyway.
<Dave> I don't think that is a good idea. What if the key to level is opening the bot release point at a specific point in the wall? Not much point if you put a sign up saying 'place bomb here'. Just thinking ahead...
Variable Modelling 3 Fri 21 Jun 2013 06:21
<Dave> Who's going to actually abuse it by using it in an intended solution in a mod? Besides, there are no rules to Escape, anybody can mod anything, all you can do is hope people play in the spirit of the game. If it does happen all we can do is ignore the mod and carry on from the previous one.

Anyway, thanks for locking it, I meant to do that but forgot. I will get round to modding the other series too, just not tonight.
Mods chat level Fri 21 Jun 2013 05:51
<mark> (SPOILER) Ha Ha Kirima we were playing at the same time,i really like your new level but see dangers with bomb ahead.(its already been abused).
If the purpose of the bomb is to maybe free the bots later ,how about turning the walls black then whoever wants to release bots can add a blue tile.
<Dave> I would almost be inclined to make inclusion of the bizarro world 'stuff' compulsory. It would add a bit of a new twist to the way we have to develop the level.

I so want to blow up a wall, that bomb is just too tempting!

PS. Kirima, you may find going round in circles quite useful... hint.

PPS. When I made VM2 I saved and it auto-recovered an earlier bookmark, even though the edits meant the bookmark has illegal moves in it. Never seen that bug before, has anybody else come across it? I re-saved the level with a different name to keep the insane version on file.
Variable Modelling 1 Thu 20 Jun 2013 21:21
<Dave> Didn't spot your comment about bizarro world until after I played the level, so I wasn't expecting that at all. Very pretty, reminiscent of Escape Vomit :)

As they are there as part of the template, it seems silly not to try and develop the level in some way that uses them all...
<Dave> (SPOILER) Added speedrun: 68 moves (old: 70).
Ooh, a speedrun! :)
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