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"The Possible Riddle" by John Lewis and pieguy

added 22 Mar 2006 07:37
Shortest Solution
Length147 moves
ByJohn Lewis
On22 Mar 2006 07:37

Comments (turn spoilers off)
5690 The Possible Riddle John Lewis (411) Wed 22 Mar 2006 13:07 SPOILER
  For those who don't know what this level is, it's based on the impossible riddle: try to draw a continuous line through a 3x3 grid that passes through all nine squares twice and moves only horizontally and vertically. According to David, it can be proved impossible by using a partiy argument. The only reason why this adaptation of the puzzle is possible is because of the double trap. :)

I think much of the confusing nature of this level arises from its lack of rigidity. David took into account every possible order that the squares could be traveled in, so every combination needs to be accounted for. At first when I designed the Escape version, I didn't include the wires. But then I found this to be somewhat annoying, so I added them in to help the player out (it is beneficial to zoom out when playing this level).

I suppose that this could be made less complicated...if anyone wants to make a mod, feel free :) I just thought this design was pretty cool...
5689 The Possible Riddle Doom (371) Wed 22 Mar 2006 10:10 SPOILER
  Actually, I'll take back the statement about doing this level in a less confusing way in CC. I forgot that the teleports aren't really usable in this, and had one misconception about something in this level.

But in Escape this could be definitely remade more clearly.
5688 The Possible Riddle Doom (371) Wed 22 Mar 2006 09:07 SPOILER
  The hardest thing about this is realising what this level represents. It could be less messy, after all. Once you get that far, it's not very difficult.

Oh yeah, this could be done a lot more simply in both Chip's Challenge and Escape.
5687 The Possible Riddle John Lewis (411) Wed 22 Mar 2006 07:37  
  'The Possible Riddle' uploaded by John Lewis:
Another pieguy CC level that I thought would be an interesting Escape adaptation...